Wednesday, 11 September 2013

Joint Graduate Entrance Examination in Biology and Interdisciplinary Life Sciences (JGEEBILS) 2013

The JGEEBILS is a shared entrance test for several institutions doing research in Biology and Interdisciplinary Life Sciences. The test is coordinated by TIFR. All institutions have different application processes and the entrance test is only one aspect of this. Please refer to the individual websites of participating institutions for details of their admissions process and degree requirements.
Applicants will have to individually apply to each institution that they are interested in.
Programmes offered at each institution: PhD: at all the listed institutions; Integrated MSc-PhD: at DBS, NBRC, NCBS.NCCS and USER, Pune; MSc by Research: at DBS; MSc (Wildlife Biology & Conservation) at NCBS
Test Venue: The written test will be held on Sunday, December 8, 2013 in the following cities:
Ahmedabad, Bengaluru, Bhubaneshwar, Chandigarh, Chennai, Cochin, Delhi, Guwahati, Haldwani, Hyderabad, lndore, Jammu, Jaipur, Kanpur, Kolkata, Madurai, Mangalore, Mumbai, Nagpur, Patna, Pune, Srinagar, Varanasi and Visakhapatnam.
Ø       PhD programme: Masters in Basic Science or Bachelors in Applied Science. These include MSc (Ag), BTech, BE, BVSc BPharma (4 yrs course), MBBS, BDS. MPharma. Students with training in Physics or Chemistry are encouraged to apply to the programmes.
Ø       Integrated PhD/MSc by Research Programme: Bachelors in any Basic Science.
Ø       MSc Wildlife Biology & Conservation: Indian nationals who have a Bachelors degree in any discipline (with a minimum of 50% in core subjects), less than 35 years of age as on July 1, 2014 and a strong interest in wildlife research and conservation. Graduate nationals of South and Southeast Asian countries, with similar qualifications, are also eligible to apply.
APPLICATION FEE (Non-Refundable): Rs 500/- for applications submitted online and Rs 550/- for applications sent manually by post. Female candidates are exempted from payment of application fee. Payment can be made online by Credit/Debit cards OR by Demand Draft drawn on State Bank of India.
DD to be drawn in favour of "National Centre for Biological Sciences" payable at Bengaluru. Hall Tickets will be issued only after receipt of application fee. Online applicants sending DD (Rs 500/-) by post should write their reference code, name and telephone number behind the DD and send it to the address as given below. Students applying manually should send the DD for (Rs 550/-) along with the filled-in application form.
Date and Time of JGEEBILS: Sunday, December 8, 2013, 2:30 pm to 4:30 pm
To know more Information about JGEEBILS 2013 please click here

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