Friday, 18 October 2013

SP Jain Aptitude Test 2014

S P Jain Aptitude Test for its Masters Programs (MGB and GMBA) for January 2014 Intake on Sunday, October 6, 2013 from 12.00 noon to 1.00 pm in Ahmedabad, Bangalore, Chennai, Delhi, Indore, Hyderabad, Jaipur, Kolkata, Mumbai and Pune.
The aptitude test conducted by SP Jain is intended to test a student's IQ, mathematical ability, logic and reasoning capacity, English reading and comprehension ability. There is also a section on general knowledge. These questions are intended to test knowledge of current events and normal business awareness. The paper would be divided into different sections based on these areas. The test is for duration of 1 hour. The test paper consists of around 40 to 45 questions the format of the test may change from time to time but the testing would be on the mentioned parameters. The aptitude test will be a paper based test. There is negative marking - different questions may have a different scale of negative marking, and this would be taken into account while calculating a student's score. We do not have sectional cut offs, we expect the overall score to meet our cut off.
Students must have completed high school / secondary school / junior college or some equivalent form of secondary education and placed in the top 25% of their class.
Students are short listed on the basis of their Year 10 or most recent Board exam (taken in the past 2 years) and SP Jain Entrance Test (SPJET) or SAT score.
As this is a post-graduate program, Master’s degree, you must already be a university graduate to apply. Candidates who do not have their final year results may apply to the program but SP Jain can only make a conditional offer.
Candidates must have completed their secondary education in English.
The candidate must have 0-3 years of work experience. Candidates with over 3 years of work experience may apply to the Global Master of Business Administration (GMBA) program.
As this is a post - graduate program, Master’s degree, the candidate must already be a university graduate to apply. Preference is given to those with additional relevant post - graduate qualifications.
The candidate must have a minimum of three years of full time work experience.
Candidates must have completed their secondary education in English. If required, candidates may need to provide an authorized statement confirming this.
To know more information about how to apply please click here
To know more information please click here

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