Wednesday, 27 November 2013

COMEDK PG Medical 2014

The Consortium of Medical, Engineering and Dental Colleges of Karnataka Post Graduate Entrance Test is a state level examination that is conducted by the Private Medical, Dental and Engineering College Association, Karnataka as a prerequisite to admissions to Post Graduate Medical and Dental  courses in various private medical colleges across the state of Karnataka.
Exam name: Consortium of Medical, Engineering and Dental Colleges of Karnataka Post Graduate Entrance Test
Commonly Known as: COMEDK PG Medical 2014
Exam type: State Level Examination
Conducting Authority: Private Medical, Engineering and Dental Colleges Association, Karnataka
Pre Clinical: MS (Anatomy), MD (Physiology), MD (Biochemistry)
Para Clinical: MD (Pathology), MD (Microbiology), MD (Pharmacology), MD (Forensic Medicine), MD (Community Medicine)
Clinical: MD (General Medicine), MD (Paediatrics), MD (Dermatology and STD), MD (Tuberculosis), MD (Psychiatry), MS (General Surgery), MS (Ophthalmology), MS (Orthopaedics), MS (ENT), MD (Obstetrics and Gynaecology), MD (Anaesthesiology), MD (Radio-Diagnosis)/(Radiology), MD (Radio-Therapy), M.D. (Emergency Medicine)
Medical Diploma Courses
Para Clinical: Diploma in Clinical Pathology (DCP), Diploma in Forensic Medicine (DFM), Diploma in Public Health (DPH)
Clinical: Diploma in Child Health (DCH), Diploma in Venerology and Dermatology (DVD), Diploma in Psychiatric Medicine (DPM), Diploma in Ophthalmology (DO), Diploma in Orthopaedics (D.Ortho), Diploma in Otolaryngology (DLO), Diploma in Obstetrics and Gynaecology (DGO), Diploma in Anaesthesiology (DA), Diploma in Radio-Diagnosis (DMRD)
MDS (Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery), MDS (Oral Medicine and Radiology), MDS (Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopaedics), MDS (Paedodontics and Preventive Dentistry), MDS (Conservative Dentistry and Endodontics), MDS Prosthodontics & Crown and Bridge), MDS (Oral Pathology and Microbiology), MDS (Public Health Dentistry)
Diploma in Oral Surgery, Diploma in Periodontics, Diploma in Orthodontics, Diploma in Conservative Dentistry and Diploma in Prosthodontics
Applicants must meet all requirements stipulated by MCI/DCI
Accordingly, they should have successfully passed their MBBS/BDS from an institution recognized by MCI/DCI, and must have completed or completing their internship by 30th Apr 2014 at the latest
Every student, selected for admission to the Post Graduate Medical/Dental course in any of the Medical/Dental institutions in the country, must possess recognized MBBS/BDS degree or equivalent qualification and should have obtained permanent registration with the Medical Council of India/Dental Council of India, or any of the State Medical/Dental Council or should obtain the same within one month from the date of admission, failing which the admission of the candidate shall be cancelled
In the case of an Indian national with the recognized degree from Foreign University, the Medical Council of India/Dental Council of India may, on payment of the prescribed fee for the registration, grant temporary/permanent registration for the duration of the Post Graduate training restricted to the college/institution to which the applicant is admitted for the time being exclusively for post graduate studies
Temporary/permanent registration to such candidates shall be subject to the condition that the degree is duly registered in the country where the degree is obtained and is recognized by the corresponding Council or concerned authority in India also
The minimum percentage of marks in the Entrance Test (COMEDK PGET-2014) for eligibility and admission to Post Graduate Courses shall be 50% for General Merit candidates and 40% for the candidates belonging to SC/ST (All India) and OBC belonging to Karnataka State only
Only candidate’s who are due to complete the internship on or before 30th Apr 2014 are eligible
Candidates who have appeared for COMEDK PGET during the last three years and selected a clinical PG degree seat and got admitted to any of the COMEDK Member Institutions are not allowed to appear for COMEDK PGET-2014
The entrance test is being conducted for merit determination for use by COMEDK Member Institutions only
The COMEDK entrance test is for candidates seeking admissions for the Post-Graduate courses in these Institutions
The COMEDK PGET-2014 test scores are valid only for admissions during the academic year 2014-2015
There will be a separate entrance test for Post Graduate Medical and Dental Courses
The COMEDK-PGET-2014 will be conducted only at centers in Bangalore on 02nd Feb 2014, Sunday
Test Admission Tickets: Online test admission ticket will be available under applicant login of the COMEDK website from 16th Jan 2014
Candidates appearing for COMEDK PGET-2014 should download and obtain printout of the online test Admission ticket (Online TAT) for taking the COMEDK PGET-2014 scheduled to be held on 02nd Feb 2014
No test admission ticket will be dispatched either by post or courier or in person to the candidates under any circumstances
Candidates will not be allowed to write the COMEDK-PGET-2014 without the print out of online test admission ticket, date of birth certificate (candidate copy) and an acceptable photo ID proof in original
A separate link in the website is provided to assist the candidates in filling the online application form
Demand draft has to be drawn from the nationalized bank in favour of COMEDK (check for the correct spelling), payable at Bangalore (demand draft must be payable at Bangalore only) for Rs. 2250/- (Rs two thousand two hundred and fifty only) application number and applicant’s name to be written behind the demand draft
All marks cards (first year to final year university examination marks cards)
Attempt certificate is a statement indicating the number of attempt one has taken to clear a particular subject/year
Ensure that the online application form is filled up properly and completely
After you have filled in your online application form, click on the submit button only once, to send the details to the server
The server will assign you an application number, and provide the facility to view your online application form with the details you have filled, along with the 6 digits application number
Only after verifying the details take a print of the application form and the date of birth certificate
Date of birth certificate/identity proof is an auto generated document which is generated along with the application form
It is printed as date of birth certificate/identity proof (COMEDK copy and candidate copy)
Both the copies need to be duly signed by the candidate
Date of birth certificate (COMEDK copy) has to be sent along with the application form to COMEDK
Date of birth certificate (candidate copy) needs to be retained by the candidate and carried while writing the exam
The completed application form must have the candidate’s signature, impressions of left thumb, left forefinger and left middle finger
Kindly do not send any original documents along with the application form
Kindly stick your recent (not older than six months) passport size colour photograph only in the space provided
Application form with smudged/tampered or hazy photograph will be rejected
Do not staple or pin your photograph to the application form
No attestation is required on the photograph
The completed application form has to reach COMEDK office by speed post or courier on or before 03rd Jan, 2014 (before 05.00 p.m.), to the Executive Secretary-COMEDK, #132, 2nd Floor,11th Main Road, 17th Cross, Malleswaram, Bangalore-560055, Karnataka
Applications will not be received in person either in the COMEDK office or by any member institutions
Start date for issue of Online Application: 22nd Nov 2013
Uploading of online test Admission Ticket in the COMEDK website 16th Jan 2014
COMEDK PGET-2014 Test Day: 02nd Feb 2014 (Sunday)
Publishing of Provisional Answer Keys: 02nd Feb 2014 (Sunday)
Last date for receiving objections pertaining to Provisional Answer Keys: 05th Feb
2014 (Wednesday)
Publishing of Test Score: 17th Feb 2014 (Monday)
Publishing of rank list and uploading of online Rank Card: 22nd Feb 2014 (Saturday)

To know more Information about COMEDK 2014 please click here

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