Tuesday, 23 February 2016

AIIMS PG Entrance Exam 2016 for MD MS M.Ch MDS DM and Post Doctoral courses

All India Institute of Medical Sciences
Ansari Nagar, New Delhi-110029
All Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS), New Delhi invites online applications for Entrance Examinations leading to admission in Postgraduate [MD,MS,M.Ch (6 years),MDS] Programs for January 2016 Session
The degrees granted by the Institute under the All India Institute of Medical Science Act are recognized Council Act and notwithstanding anything contained therein, are deemed to be including in the first scheduled of that Act, entitling the holders to the same privileges as those attached to be included in the first scheduled of that Act, entitling the holder to the same privileges as those attached to the equivalent awards from the recognized University of India
In the field of postgraduate education, the most important function of the Institute is to provide opportunities for training teachers for medical college in the country in an atmosphere of research and enquiry
Postgraduate students are exposed to newer methods of teaching and given opportunities to actively participate in teaching exercises
The other important objectives of the institute are to bring together in one place educational facilities of the highest of health activity and to attain self-sufficiency in postgraduate medical education
The candidates joining M.D., M.S., M.D.S degree courses shall be called Junior Residents in Clinical Disciplines and Junior Demonstrators in Basic Clinical Disciplines
Number of Seats Details
The number of seats available in each speciality for the January 2016 session is shown below:
Clinical Sciences
1) Anaesthesiology: 06 Seats [UR-02, OBC-02, SC-01, ST-01]
2) Community Medicine: 08 Seats [UR-03, OBC-02, SC-02, ST-01 & Spon.,Foreign-02]
3) Dermatology & Venereology: 02 Seats [UR-01, SC-]
4) Emergency Medicine: 02 Seats [UR-02, Spon.,Foreign-01]
5) Geriatric Medicine: 02 Seats [UR-02]
6) Medicine: 07 Seats [UR-04, OBC-02, SC-01]
7) Nuclear Medicine: 02 Seats [UR-01, ST-01]
8) Obst. & Gynaecology: 14 Seats [UR-07, OBC-04, SC-02, ST-01]
9) Ophthalmology: 11 Seats [UR-05, OBC-03, SC-02, ST-01]
10) Orthopaedics: 02 Seats [UR-01, SC-01]
11) Palliative Medicine: 02 Seats [UR-01, OBC-01 & Spon.,Foreign-01]
12) Paediatrics: 06 Seats [UR-03, OBC-02, SC-01 & Spon.,Foreign-01]
13) Physical Medical & Rehabilitation: 01 Seat [OBC-01 & Spon.,Foreign-01]
14) Psychiatry: 04 [UR-02, OBC-01, SC-01]
15) Radio Diagnosis: 07 Seat [UR-04, OBC-02, SC-01]
16) Radiotherapy: 01 Seat [UR-01, Spon,Foreign-02]
17) Surgery: 10 Seats [UR-05, OBC-03, SC-01, ST-01 & Spon,Foreign-01]
18) Anatomy - Total Seat: 01 [SC-01 & Spon.,Foreign-03]
19) Biochemistry - Total Seats: 02 [UR-01, OBC-01, SC-01, Spon.,Foreign-03]
20) Biophysics - Total Seats: 13 [UR-07, OBC-03, SC-02, ST-01, Spon.,Foreign-03]
21) Forensic Medicine - Total Seats: 02 [UR-02 & Spon.,Foreign-03]
22) Lab Medicine - Total Seat: 00 [Spon.,Foreign-03]
23) Microbiology - Total Seat: 01 [UR-01 & Spon.,Foreign-03]
24) Pathology - Total Seats: 06 [UR-03, OBC-01, ST-01]
25) Pharmacology - Total Seats: 05 [UR-01, OBC-02, ST-01, SC-01, Spon.,Foreign-03]
26) Physiology - Total Seats: 02 [UR-02, & Spon.,Foreign-03]
MDS Course
27) Conservative Dentistry - Total Seats: 02 [UR-01, OBC-01]
28) Orthodontics - Total Seat: 01 [UR-01, ST-01]
29) Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery - Total Seat: 01 [OBC-01]
30) Prosthodontics - Total Seat: 01 [OBC-01 & Spon., Foreign-01]
A candidate must possess MBBS degree for MD,MS and BDS degree for MDS courses of a University recognized by the Medical Council of India, Dental Council of India and must have completed the required period of 12 months compulsory rotating Internship, Practical training on or before 30th January, 2016 [As per DCI endorsement No.DE-130-2011,B-4978, dated 13.12.2011, candidature will be as per DCI Revised BDS Course (4th Amendment) Regulation-2011 published in Gazettee notification (Extraordinary) Part-III, Section-4, dated 9.12.2011]. Candidates who complete their internship after 30th January, 2016 are not eligible for Registration in this examination.
The candidate must have obtained a minimum of the following marks in aggregate in all the MBBS, BDS professional examinations
(i) For candidates belonging to the SC, ST Categories 50% marks in aggregate
(ii) For all other categories including OBC Category 55% marks in aggregate
The Examination will be conducted at cities listed below* in online mode only [Computer Based Test (CBT)]
· Applicants should indicate his, her choice of city of examination at the time filling the application form. The city chosen is subject to confirmation of payment of the examination fee.
· The city of examination shall be allotted on first-come first-serve basis subject to availability of nodes in respective city.
· The centre of examination once chosen and allotted will not be changed and any request in this regard will not be entertained. Applicants should therefore indicate the choice of city with utmost care.
· Applicants are advised to register themselves, make payment and submit their application form at the earliest without waiting for the last date, to avoid not getting the city, centre of their choice.
Method of Selection 
Selection will be made entirely on the basis of merit in the entrance examination and the choice of subject will be allocated on the basis of personal counseling.
The entrance test for MD, MS will consist of one paper of 180 Minutes duration containing 200 multiple choice questions covering all the subjects taught at M.B.B.S. level.
The entrance test for MDS, will consist of one paper of 90 minutes duration containing 90 multiple choice questions covering all the subjects taught at BDS level.
There is 1, 3 negative marking for every wrong answer in the test.
The Junior Residents, Demonstrators (three years tenure period) will be paid a sum of Rs. 15600 plus Rs 5400 Grade Pay plus NPAand other allowances as admissible under the rules in the first year of the residency
M.Ch, DM - (6 Years) Course
No. of Seats*
i) Neuro Surgery - 03, ii) Infectious Diseases - 03
Eligibility: The candidate must possess a MBBS degree and should have completed the required period of one year compulsory Internship. He, she must have obtained at least 55% marks in aggregate in all the MBBS
professional examinations. The eligibility criteria are same as specified for MD, MS (3 years) courses.
Duration of Course
A minimum period of 6 academic years is the duration for those registering after MBBS degree and completion of one year's compulsory internship; the candidates selected for this course will spend first six months in the super specialties opted for
At the end of six months there will be a departmental exam to assess the suitability of the candidate to pursue training in the super specialty
On successfully qualifying in this assessment, the candidate would proceed to the next phase and this period would be included as a part of the full course; in case a candidate fails to qualify in the assessment or decides to discontinue the course, he, she would be given a certificate of six months Junior Residency
A candidate shall become eligible to appear for final examination at the end of five years
He,she can also appear for the final exam at the end of 5 ½ or 6 years as well
However in any case, the period of registration will remain six academic years which is mandatory
The method of selection and other terms & conditions for these candidates will be the same as for MD, MS courses (duration: 3 years)
Application Procedure:
The prospectus is available on the website and must be read by the applicants before applying. The cost of online Application-cum-Examination fee is Rs. 1000/- (Rs. 800/- in case of SC, ST candidates).
A candidate can submit application only On-Line through Internet. Visit website read the prospectus and other details carefully and follow the instructions given therein. The candidate can pay the application fee through a challan form (down loaded from internet while applying on-line) in any branch of State Bank of India. Transaction Processing Fee (as applicable) will be payable to the Bank by the candidate.
Application Fee General, OBC Category: Rs. 1000/- (SC,ST Category: Rs. 800/-) plus transaction charges as applicable Payment through computer generated Challan Form in any branch of State Bank of India (SBI) or through Debit ,Credit Card
1.     Candidates are required to bring AIIMS copy of Challan Form to the Examination Hall on the day of Examination and Deposit the same with Invigilator at the time of attendance.
2.     Candidates are NOT required to send any documents, including Registration slip to AIIMS.
3.     More Details can be available from the institute website.
All India Institute of Medical Science
Ansari Nagar, New Delhi -110 608
Phone:  011-26588500, 26588700, 26589900
Fax:  011-26588663, 26588641
Date of Entrance Examination
MD, MS, M.Ch. (6 YEARS), MDS: 24.02.2016 to 23.03.2016
DM, M.Ch., MHA, PhD: 19.02.2016 to 09.03.2016
Online Registration for Applications
MD, MS, M.Ch. (6 years), MDS: 08.05.2016
DM, M.Ch., MHA, Ph.D.: 02.04.2016

To know more Information about entrance please click here

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