Friday, 21 February 2014

UPCAT Dental 2014, Uttar Pradesh Common Admission Test Dental 2014

The Co-ordinator of UPCAT-MDS
Keshlata Hospital
, Delapeer, Bareilly-243122
Ph.: 0581-2303344
Uttar Pradesh Common Admission Test Master of Dental Surgery (MDS) Course is a 3 year course which is run under the aegis of Dental Council of India which was constituted on 12th April 1949 under an Act of Parliament - the Dentists Act, 1948 (XVI of 1948).
The Dental Council of India runs under the aegis of Department of Health, Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, Govt. of India, New Delhi
Association of private Medical and Dental Colleges of Uttar Pradesh is conducting the U.P Combined Admission Test as per the guidelines of Hon'ble High Court of U.P. for MDS 1st year in various specialties.
The period of training for obtaining MDS Degree shall be three completed years including the period of examination
No transfer of seats from one subject to the other and one college to other college shall be allowed after final UPCAT 2014 MDS counseling.
·         A candidate for admission to the MDS course (Master of Dental Surgery) must have a recognized degree of BDS (Bachelor of Dental Surgery) awarded by an Indian University in respect of recognized Dental College under Section 10 (2) of the Dentists Act, 1948 or an equivalent qualification recognized by the Dental Council of India and should have obtained permanent registration with the State Dental Council. Candidates not possessing a recognized Dental qualification for the above purpose should secure the prior approval of his qualifications by the Dental Council of India before he can be admitted to the MDS Course of any University in India.
·         Qualification for the above purpose should secure the prior approval of his qualifications by the Dental Council of India before he can be admitted to the MDS Course of any University in India.
·         Candidates who possess PG Diploma recognized by the DCI with the duration of 2 years (proposed) in particular specialty is eligible for admission in MDS in the same specialty and the duration will be 2 years. The syllabus of two years programme will be as per the concerned university guidelines.
·         Provided that in the case of a foreign national, the Dental Council of India may, on payment of the prescribed fee for registration, grant temporary registration for the duration of the postgraduate training restricted to the dental college/institution to which he is admitted for the time being exclusively for postgraduate studies.
·         Provided that further temporary registration to such foreign national shall be subject to the condition that such person is duly registered as dental practitioner in his own country from which he has obtained his basic dental qualification and that his degree is recognized by the corresponding dental council or concerned authority.
Fee Rs. 8.45  lacs per year.  It may be modified by the fee fixation Committee constituted under the guidelines of Hon'ble Supreme Court of India. College security, Hostel Charges, Hostel Security are extra.Contact College of choice for details of other fee.
DelhiIndian Convent School Sr. Secondary Level, Pocket -3, Sector 24, Rohini Delhi-110005, Lucknow:Career Convent College, Sector-5, Vikas Nagar, Lucknow-22.
Application form and information brochure will be available from 01st Jan 2014 at the private dental college running the MDS course under the association against payment of Rs.1000/- as examination/test fee
UPCAT 2014 Application Form can be obtained from the participating colleges from 01st Jan 2014
The Application form and OMR Sheet attached n information brochure should be filled correctly in candidates own handwriting and submitted to respective college latest by 28th Feb 2014
UPCAT 2014 MDS Application Form should be submitted to the following address “Post Box No.11, Izzat Nagar Post Office, Bareilly-243122”
Aspiring candidates wishing to appear for this Medical Entrance Exam, can apply by getting Application Forms from participating colleges in person by Cash/DD
Forms are available only at ORIENTAL BANK of COMMERCE Springdale College Branch Bichpuri Road, Pilibhit bypass Road, Bareilly-243006
The Demand Draft must only be drawn in favour of “Association of Private Medical & Dental Colleges of Utter Pradesh”, payable at Bareilly
i) Certificates of having passed BDS examination from institution recognized by DCI
ii) Four copies of the recent photographs (passport size) duly attested by the Director/Principal of the College/Gazetted Office or the employer in the those in employment
iii) Internship competition certificate certifying the date on which the candidate has completed one year's compulsory rotating internship
iv) A Certificate of good conduct from the Head of the Institution last attended
v) Certificate of permanent Registration with State/Dental Council at the time of admission; candidate should download and print the admit card from the website of UPCAT MDS 2014
All original certificates will be produced by the candidate at the time of counseling/joining, any failure or concealment/falsification of facts will lead to cancellation of candidates claims to any seat or any benefit accruing their after for appearing in examination
Applicants should send their application forms well in advance by ordinary post so as to avoid rejection on account of postal delay
Admit Card: Candidate should download and print the admit card from the official website of UPCAT MDS 2014.
If any candidates fails to receive the admit card or losses it, must report to the center of examination and procedure a proof of his/her identify and on proper verification the candidate will  be permitted to appear in the examination with duplicate admit card.
Date of obtaining application form from participating colleges: 01st Jan 2014
Last date of submission of completed forms:
28th Feb 2014
Date of Exam in Delhi and Lucknow: 09th Mar 2014

Declaration of result on website: 31st Mar 2014
To know more Information about UPCAT 2014 please click here

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