Wednesday, 16 April 2014

Kakatiya University Post Graduate Common Entrance Test, KUPGCET-2014

Kakatiya University Post Graduate Common Entrance Test, KUPGCET-2014
Kakatiya University, Warangal Common Entrance Test, KUCET-2014, for Kakatiya and Satavahana Universities admission to PG/ PG Diploma Courses for 2014 session. ICR applications in the prescribed proforma are invited from the eligible candidates (passed and/or appeared final year qualifying examination) for appearing Kakatiya University Common Entrance Test-2014 (KUCET-2014) for admission into various PG/PG Diploma and 5 year Integrated PG Courses being offered in University, constituent and affiliated colleges under the jurisdiction of Kakatiya University and Satavahana University through KUPGCET 2014
M.A. (Telugu, English, Hindi, Sanskrit, Economics, Political Science, Public Administration, History, Sociology Gender Studies.); M.Sc. (Botany, Zoology, Chemistry, Biochemistry, Microbiology, Biotechnology, Physics, Mathematics, Applied Mathematics, Statistics,  Geology, Computer Science, Psychology); Master of Human Resource Management (MHRM); Master of Tourism Management (MTM); Master of Social Work (MSW); Master of Mass Communication & Journalism (MCJ); M.Com. (M.Com; M.Com. (Financial Accounting); M.Com.(Banking & Insurance);  and M.Com.(Computer Applications)); P.G. Diploma in Sericulture, P.G. Diploma in Clinical Bio-Chemistry;  Master of Library and  Information Science (MLISc); Master of Education (M.Ed.); Master of Physical Education (M.P.Ed.); and 5-Year Integrated PG Programme in M.Sc. (Biotechnology, Chemistry, Pharmaceutical Chemistry).
M.A (Economics, Sociology, English, Telugu, Urdu); Master of Social Work (MSW); M.Com. (M.Com.; M.Com. (Financial Accounting)); M.Sc. (Chemistry, Computer Science, Mathematics, Botany, Zoology, Microbiology, Physics, Engineering Physics & Instrumentation, Food Science & Technology)
Candidates must have a Bachelor's degree in relevant discipline with 45% (40% for SC/ST) from any of the recognized universities.
Application forms along with the Information Brochure can be had from the Directorate of Admissions, Kakatiya University,    Warangal on payment of Rs. 400/- in cash.  Those  candidates who wish to have the application through post can obtain from the Office of the Directorate of Admissions, KU by sending a Demand Draft drawn in favour of ‘The Registrar, KUCET A/c’ payable at S.B.H., Kakatiya University   Branch (Code No.2262), Warangal along with a self-addressed  envelope (35 x 25 cm) duly affixing Rs.50/- postage stamps.
Commencement of sale of Applications: 15-03-2014
To know more Information about KUPGCET 2014 please click here

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