Friday, 18 April 2014


(An autonomous institution under Ministry of Culture, Govt. of India)
National School of Drama invites applications on plain paper from THEATRE ARTISTS for vacant posts of Artists Grade A and B in the Repertory Company. They will be appointed on a consolidated salary slab of Rs. 30,000-35,000 and 25,000-30,000 per month respectively, which is subject to upward revision.
The appointment will be on contract basis, initially for one year, which may be extended for 2 years & finally for another 3 years on the basis of periodic assessment.
1.     Graduate of the National School of Drama or of a recognized Theatre Training Institute or 5 years post-training experience in acting & eminence in the field.
2.     Experience of participating in 15 important productions in
Hindi and / or any other Indian Language performing major roles.
3.     Proficiency in Hindi language & speech.
1.     Knowledge of dance, music and allied art. (2) Experience in direction of play and or stage craft work. (3) Knowledge of regional languages/dialects. (4) Knowledge of acting theories & styles.
Note: The above qualifications may be relaxed in favour of candidate otherwise found suitable.
1.     Graduate of the National School of Drama or of a recognized Theatre Training Institute or 2 years post-training experience in acting.
2.     Experience of participating in 10 important productions in Hindi and/or any other Indian Language performing major roles. 3 Proficiency in Hindi language & speech.
1.     Knowledge of dance, music and allied art. (2) Experience in direction of play and/or stage craft work. (3) Knowledge of regional languages and styles. (4) Knowledge of acting theories & styles.
Note: The above qualifications maybe relaxed in favour of candidate otherwise found suitable.
Applications complete in all respects, accompanied by a recent passport size photograph and attested copies of certificates and testimonials, proof of age etc., should reach the Chief, NSD Repertory Company, Bahawalpur House, Bhagwandas Road, New Delhi-110001 on or before 16-5-2014.
Persons already employed should route their applications through proper channel. No TA/DA will be paid for attending the audition/interview. However, SC/ST candidates will be paid 2nd class railway fare by the shortest route from their place of residence to New Delhi and back, on production of railway/bus receipt.

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