Monday, 14 April 2014

NTPI Nagpur announce PGDC Common Entrance Test 2014

NTPI Nagpur announce PGDC Common Entrance Test 2014
National Power Training Institute (NPTI) was established in the year 1975 which is the top most college among all other regional institutes. This institute has been set up by MINISTRY OF POWER. National Power Training Institute (NPTI) is inviting applications from eligble candidates for 2014 admission notification into Post Graduate Diploma Course (PGDC).
Post Graduate Diploma Course (PGDC) is a modular course which lasts for 1 academic year. NPTI has 6 regional institutes where it conducts the formal training. The 6 regional institutes and their respective seat allocations are: 
1.     Badarpur (New Delhi) - 120
2.     Nangal (Punjab) – 60
3.     Neyveli (Tamil Nadu) - 75 
4.     Durgapur (West Bengal) – 75
5.     Guwahati (Assam) – 60
6.     Nagpur (Maharashtra) – 120
You may be thing that why you need to join this course. Post Graduate Diploma Course (PGDC) provides you the knowledge and skills of the Engineers sponsored by the Power Utilities etc. And the main aim of this course is train the students technically in order to make them available for the Indian Power sector recruitment.
A total of 510 seats are available for students and in these 25% of seats as per Govt. of India norms are reserved for SC/ ST/ OBC/ Physically challenged.
B.Tech / B.E or its equivalent in Mechanical/ Electrical / Electrical & Electronics / Power Engineering
Those appearing in their final year examination can also apply
However‚ they must submit their final degree/provisional degree certificate at the time of counseling
Merit based on Common Entrance Test (CET) result followed by counseling at NPTI Nagpur
CET will be held on 29th June 2014 (Sunday) at 8 cities; Faridabad‚ Badarpur (New Delhi)‚ Nagpur‚ Durgapur‚ Neyveli‚ Bangalore‚ Guwahati and Nangal
Age Limit: There is no age limit for pursuing PGDC in TPPE
Reservation: Reservation of seats for SC/ ST/ OBC/Physically challenged as per Govt. of India norms
25% seats are reserved for candidates sponsored from Power Utilities. The seat allocation of the Institutes is shown below:
(i) Badarpur -120 (ii) Nangal - 60 (iii) Neyveli - 75 (iv) Durgapur - 75 (v) Guwahati - 60 (vi) Nagpur - 120
Total No. of seats may vary as per requirement. Vacant seats in sponsored category will be filled by non sponsored category and vice-versa if required
To provide career opportunities in the Indian Power Sector‚ NPTI is maintaining close linkages with Power Utilities and reputed companies for employment of the trained engineers
Applications are to be filled online with DD details (Demand Draft for the prescribed registration fees of Rs.1000/- (including service tax) in favour of “NPTI Nagpur”‚ payable at Nagpur (must be ready at the time of on line registration)
The other details are available on website
Each applicant will be given a unique ID on successful registration at site
This ID must be preserved for future reference
On registration the hard copy of application and Demand Draft should be sent to The Principal Director‚ National Power Training Institute (WR)‚ South Ambazari Road‚ Gopal Nagar‚ Nagpur-440022 latest by 12th May 2014
The registration shall be confirmed only after the receipt of the hard copy of application with Demand Draft
For non-sponsored candidates Rs.2‚10‚000 + Service Tax @12.36% (in 3 installments). For candidates sponsored from PSUs / Private Utilities Rs.3‚25‚000/- + Service Tax @12.36% to be paid in lump sum at the time of admission. There is no fee concession for any category of candidates.
Course fee for Foreign Nationals:
SAARC Countries: US$ 13‚000 plus Service Tax @12.36%
Other Countries: US$ 15‚000 plus Service Tax @12.36%
In addition institute fees like Hostel‚ Internet‚ Caution deposit‚ transportation etc. is to be paid by the participants
Online registration: 07th April 2014 to 30th April 2014
Last date of receipt of hard copy of application along with DD: 12th May 2014
Date & Time of PGDC CET-2014: 29th June 2014 (11.00 am)
Date of declaration of result on our Website: 14th July 2014
Dates of Counseling at Nagpur: 04th August 2014 to 08th Aug 2014
Reporting period at allotted Institutes: 18th August 2014 to 19th Aug 2014
Date of display of status of choice for change of institute (if available): 22nd Aug 2014
Commencement of Course: 25th Aug 2014
Date of Second Counseling (if required): 01st Sept 2014 to 05th Sept 2014
To know more Information about entrance please click here

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