Sunday, 28 June 2015

Association Post Graduate Homoeopathy Common Entrance Test (CET) 2015

AMHMCM - Office C,o.: Amupmdc, 268, 270, Chandresh Bhuvan, Ground Floor R.N.9 Near Share-E-Panjab Hotel, Shahid Bhagatshing Road, Fort, Mumbai-400001, Tel.: +91-969965744, Fax 022-22641362

Association of Management of Homeopathic Medical Colleges of Maharashtra entrance examination for the Post Graduate Courses in Homoeopathy in the State of Maharashtra for the academic year 2015-16 shall be conducted by the Competent Authority appointed by the Association of Management of Homoeopathic Medical Colleges of Maharashtra (AMHMCM)
The entrance examination shall be conducted for all the seats in the private unaided Homoeopathic Colleges
Common Entrance Test for Admission to Post Graduate Courses in M.D. (Hom.) Regular in Un-aided Private Homeopathic Medical Colleges of Maharashtra will be held on 09th August 2015 (Sunday, between 02.00 PM to 05.00 PM at Mumbai only)
AMHMCM is only authorized to conduct the above mentioned CET by the Pravesh Niyantran Samiti
ASSO-PGH-CET 2015 Eligibility Criteria:
M.D. (Homoeopathy) Courses
A Candidate who has passed final BHMS Examination or equivalent qualification in Homoeopathy included in the second schedule to the Act after completing one year compulsory rotating internship
Bachelor of Homoeopathic Medicine and surgery or equivalent qualification in Homoeopathy included in the Second Schedule to the Act after undergoing a course of study of not less than 2 years duration (Graded B.H.M.S. degree)
A candidate who has completed one year compulsory internship or is likely to complete the same on or before 30th November 2015 can appear for Asso-PGH-CET-2015
Following candidates are not eligible for applying to Asso-PGH-CET-2015:
1. Candidates who are not completing internship on or before 30th November 2015
2. Candidates who are registered for PG Degree and have not completed the terms
ASSO-PGH-CET 2015 for Selection Procedure
The selection to a Course, College will be made as per Merit-Cum-Preference given by the candidate; the candidate desires of claiming constitutional reservation must claim the Same in the preference form
A Candidate belonging to backward class must specify the name of the reserved category and must produce all the relevant documents
The Competent Authority will reserve seats for constitutional reservation if applicable, out of state reserve candidate will be treated as an open category as per the announcement of Govt. Ordinance whenever admissible
The Preference form shall be given to the candidates immediately after the Asso-PGHCET-2015 is over at the Exam Centre itself
Candidates from Asso-PGH-CET-2015 Merit List will be required to fill in the "Preference Form", the preference form should be submitted directly to the office of the AMHMCM on or before 21st September 2015.
AMHMCM ASSO PGH CET Application Form 2015
Prescribed application forms can be obtained from the Notified Centers (Annexure- B) against Demand Draft drawn on the Nationalized Bank in favor of AMHMCM payable at Mumbai of Rs. 700/- (Rs. Seven Hundred Only) between 10.00 am to 04.30 pm
Application forms will also be available from Association's office by post with an additional DD of Rs. 200/- for postal charges
The Application Form must be filled by the candidate in his, her own handwriting using black ballpoint pen; the application form complete in all respect shall be submitted directly to the office of AMHMCM, Mumbai either in person or by Post or Courier; the filled Application is to be duly returned along with DD in favor of AMHMCM payable at Mumbai for Rs. 3000/- (Three hundred only)
Incomplete application forms will be rejected
Sale of Brochure and Application Forms: 08th June 2015 to 20th July 2015
Last date of submission of Forms up to: 20th July 2015
Admit Cards will be available on website by: 27th July 2015
Date of Exam (AMHMCM ASSO-PGH-CET-2015): 09th August 2015

Entry in Exam Hall: 01.30 PM
Exam Commences: 02.00 PM
Exam Concludes: 05.00 PM
Declaration of Results: 12th August 2015
Application for Verification of Marks up to: 19th August 2015
Final Merit List: 21st August 2015
Last date of submission of Preference Form: 21st September 2015
Declaration of 1st selection list: 26th September 2015
Joining college of 1st round: 06th October 2015
Declaration of 2nd selection list: 10th October 2015
Joining college of 2nd round: 20th October 2015
Last date of Internship Completion: 30th November 2015
Cutt off date of Admission: 30th November 2015
To know more Information about entrance please click here

1 comment:

  1. Perfect!!! What I can say in this article is very important to be written as it may help everybody to get awareness. Good job done.

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