Tuesday, 5 January 2016

KEAM 2016 Kerala Engineering Agriculture Medical Exam 2016

Government of Kerala
Office of the Commissioner for Entrance Examinations
Housing Board Buildings, Santhi Nagar, Thiruvananthapuram–695 001
Tel 0471-2332120, 2338487
Applications are invited for the Entrance Examinations for admission to the following Degree Courses in various Professional Colleges in the State for.
Agriculture (i) BSc Hons (Agriculture) (ii) BFSc (Fisheries) (iii) BSc Hons (Forestry)
Veterinary BVSc & AH
Engineering BTech [including BTech (Agricultural Engg), BTech (Dairy Sc & Tech) courses under the Kerala Agricultural University]
Architecture BArch
Note: - Candidates satisfying the eligibility conditions as laid down in the Prospectus and who seek admission to all the above mentioned courses have to apply in the prescribed application form issued by the Commissioner for Entrance Examinations.
The CEE will conduct separate Entrance Examination for admission to Engineering and Medical Courses. The CEE will not conduct any Entrance Examination for admission to BArch course. However, candidates seeking admission to BArch course should compulsorily appear and qualify the National Aptitude Test in Architecture (NATA) conducted by the National Institute of Advanced Studies in Architecture (NIASA).
Nativity: Applicant should be an Indian citizen. Persons of Indian Origin (PIO), Overseas Citizen of India (OCI) Card Holders will be treated on par with Indian citizens for the limited purpose of admission.
Both Keralites and Non-Keralites are eligible to apply for the Entrance Examination. Applicants of Kerala origin will be categorized as ‘Keralites’. Others will be categorized as ‘Non-Keralites’. Non-Keralites are classified as ‘Non-Keralite Category-I’ and ‘Non-Keralite Category-II’.
Keralites: - A candidate of Kerala origin will be categorized as a Keralite. A candidate will be considered as a ’Keralite’, for the limited purpose of eligibility for admission, if (a) he, she or his, her father, mother was born in Kerala OR (b) he, she has been a resident of Kerala for a period of 5 years within a period of 12 years OR (c) he, she has undergone his, her school studies from Standards VIII to XII in educational institution(s) in Kerala. The candidate should obtain relevant certificates in the application form as prescribed in the Prospectus to avail such benefit.
Candidates who are children of All India Service (AIS) officers allotted to Kerala cadre, claiming Keralite Status, should produce a certificate from the competent authority showing that the parent of the candidate is an AIS officer allotted to Kerala cadre.
Non-Keralite Category-I: - ‘Non-Keralite Category-I’ candidates are those who have undergone the qualifying course in Kerala, and who are the sons, daughters of Employees of the Government of India, or, employees who are serving in connection with the affairs of the Government of Kerala, subject to the condition that, all categories of the employees mentioned above should have served in Kerala for a minimum period of 2 years, or, have served in connection with the affairs of the Government of Kerala for a minimum period of 2 years. Such candidates will be eligible for admission to all the seats, but they will not be considered for admission against reserved seats.
Non-Keralite Category-II: - Candidates who do not belong to the ‘Keralite’ or ‘Non- Keralite Category-I’ will be treated as ‘Non-Keralite Category-II'. They are eligible for admission ONLY to the ‘State Merit’ seats in the Private Self-financing Engineering Colleges in the State and in the Management Quota seats in Self-financing Engineering institutions under Government control. Non-Keralite candidates will not be considered for admission against reserved seats.
Medical Courses: Candidates should have passed the Higher Secondary Examination or examination recognized as equivalent thereto, with 50% marks in Biology, Biotechnology, and 50% marks in Physics, Chemistry and Biology, Biotechnology put together. Those who wish to take admission to MBBS, BDS courses should secure 50% marks in the Medical Entrance Examination (As per the guidelines issued by Medical Council of India). Candidates should prove their academic eligibility on the date of admission.
Eligibility of BSc Degree holders: Those who apply based on their BSc. Degree, for admission to MBBS, BDS, BAMS, BHMS, BSMS Courses, should have obtained their BSc. Degree with one of the subjects, Physics, Chemistry, Zoology, Botany, Biotechnology as Main, and any one or two of these subjects as subsidiaries, with 50% marks for Main and Subsidiaries taken together, provided they have passed the Higher Secondary or equivalent examination, with Physics, Chemistry and Biology as optional subjects.
Agriculture, Veterinary Courses: Candidates should have passed the Higher Secondary Examination or examination recognized as equivalent thereto, with 50% marks in Biology, and 50% marks in Physics, Chemistry and Biology put together. Candidates seeking admission to BVSc. & AH course, in addition to the qualification prescribed above, should have passed the qualifying examination with 50% marks in Physics, Chemistry, Biology and English put together (as per the regulation of Veterinary Council of India). Candidates should prove their academic eligibility on the date of admission
Note: Only those candidates who have secured a minimum of 10 marks each for Paper I and Paper II in the Medical Entrance Examination will be included in the Medical rank list for admission to Ayurveda, Siddha, Homoeo, Veterinary, Agriculture, Fisheries, Forestry Courses. SC, ST candidates will not have any minimum mark restriction for inclusion in the rank list.
Engineering Courses: The rank list for Engineering Courses will be prepared by giving equal weightage to the marks obtained in the Entrance Examination and the Qualifying Examination. The marks secured for the subjects concerned (Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry, Computer Science, Biotechnology, Biology) in the Second year Higher Secondary or equivalent Examination will be added to the marks secured in the Entrance Examination for preparing the rank list. The marks of the Kerala State Higher Secondary and Vocational Higher Secondary Examination will be taken as it is given in the mark list. The marks of other Boards will be considered after affecting the normalization procedure as explained in clause 9.7.4 (b) of the Prospectus 2012. Only those candidates who have secured a minimum of 10 marks each for Paper I and Paper II will be included in the rank list. SC, ST candidates will not have any minimum mark restriction for inclusion in the rank list. Candidates who have passed the qualifying Higher Secondary Examination, Kerala or examinations recognized as equivalent thereto, with 50% marks in Mathematics separately, and 50% marks in Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry, Computer Science, Biotechnology, Biology put together are eligible for admission. Those candidates who have passed the Qualifying Examination should attach the copy of mark list of Qualifying Examination duly attested by a Gazetted Officer along with the application. Those candidates who have appeared, appearing for the Qualifying Examination also are eligible to take the Entrance Examination. They should submit the copy of the mark sheet of the Qualifying Examination duly attested by a Gazetted Officer of the Commissioner for Entrance Examinations.
Candidates having Three Year Diploma in Engineering awarded by the Board of Technical Examinations, Kerala or equivalent, having 50% marks in the final Diploma examination, are also eligible for admission. They will be eligible for admission only to the Special Reservation Quota of 4 seats reserved under DE category. Such candidates should prove their academic eligibility on the date of admission. However, the Diploma holders are not eligible for admission to the Engineering courses offered by Kerala Agricultural University.
Architecture Course: Candidates who have passed 10+2 Senior Secondary School Certificate Examination or examinations recognized as equivalent thereto, with Mathematics as a subject of examination, with 50% marks in aggregate, Candidates who have passed 10+3 Diploma (any stream) recognized by Central, State Governments with 50% aggregate marks , Candidates with International Baccalaureate Diploma, after 10 years of schooling, with not less than 50% marks in aggregate and with Mathematics as compulsory subject of examination are eligible to apply. In addition, candidates will have to score 40% marks (80 marks out of 200) in the NATA (National Aptitude Test in Architecture). Reserved category (SC, ST, SEBC) candidates should also have obtained 40% marks in NATA, as per guidelines of Council of Architecture. (For details, visit website nata).
Candidates seeking admission to B.Arch. course should also submit the Application form to the CEE. There is no State level Entrance Examination for this purpose. However such candidates should write the National Aptitude Test for Architecture and should forward the NATA score and mark list of the qualifying examination to the CEE.
Relaxation of marks in the Qualifying Examination: For all courses, a relaxation of 5% marks in the qualifying examination will be allowed to those candidates who belong to the communities listed under the Socially and Educationally Backward Classes (SEBC) and whose annual family income is up to Rs 4.5 lakhs (Rupees Four Lakhs and Fifty Thousand only). SC, ST candidates need only a pass in the qualifying examination. But candidates belonging to SEBC categories, seeking admission to MBBS, BDS courses, need 45% marks in Biology, Biotechnology and 45% marks in Physics, Chemistry and Biology, Biotechnology put together, in the qualifying examination and 40% marks in Medical Entrance Examination. Candidates belonging to SC, ST categories need 40% marks in Physics, Chemistry and Biology, Biotechnology put together in the qualifying examination and 40% marks in the Entrance Examination for seeking admission to MBBS, BDS Courses. Candidates with Locomotory Disability between 40% and 70% need only 45% marks for Biology, Biotechnology and 45% marks for Biology, Biotechnology, Physics and Chemistry taken together as academic eligibility for MBBS course. They need only 45% marks in the Entrance Examination to qualify for MBBS course.
Age: The candidate should have completed 17 years of age as on 31st December, 2016
The Entrance Examinations will be held at all the District Centres in Kerala, New Delhi and Dubai (UAE), on the dates mentioned below as per Indian Standard Time (IST)
KEAM Online submission of application through the website is required to apply for the Entrance Examination for admission to all the courses (Medical & Allied, Engineering and Architecture). If candidate submits more than one printout of the application, his/her candidature is liable to be cancelled
The detailed instructions for filling each item in the application are given in Annexure-XX of the Prospectus and in the link, "How to apply" provided on the websites 
Application Fees
A candidate who does not belong to SC, ST communities will be treated as ‘General’ candidate for the collection of application fee. The application fee for all candidates will be as follows:
For SC Candidates: Rs. 500/-
ST candidates are exempted from payment of application fee. Security Cards (free of cost) and Prospectus will be distributed through Tribal Welfare Offices on production of ST Certificate
Candidates choosing 'Dubai' as Exam Centre will have to remit an additional fee of Rs.12000/- by way of a Demand Draft drawn on a Nationalised Bank, in favour of the Commissioner for Entrance Examinations, payable at Thiruvananthapuram along with the printout of the application
Mode of Payment
Candidate can pay application fee in either of the two following methods:
Security Card: Security Card and Prospectus can be obtained from selected Post Offices in Kerala and outside the State, on payment of the prescribed fee (Rs.1000/- or Rs. 500/- as the case may be), by cash
List of Post Offices that issue Prospectus and Security card will be notified separately. Security card will not be available at the Office of the CEE
Demand Draft: Application fee can be paid by way of Demand Draft drawn on a Nationalised, Scheduled Bank, in favour of the Commissioner for Entrance Exams, payable at Thiruvananthapuram
Admit Card
The Admit Cards of Entrance Examinations can be downloaded from the website  from 28th March 2016
The printout of the admit card thus obtained will have to be produced at the time of exam. Admit Cards will not be sent by post from this office to the candidates
For more information, website or help line no.: 0471-2339101, 2339102
Sale of Security Cards along with Prospectus through selected Post Offices: 02nd January 2016
Online Application Submission Form: 03rd January 2016
Last Date for Sale of Security Cards: 29th January 2016
Last Date for Submission of Online Application Form: 29th January 2016 (05 pm, Friday)
Last Date for Receipt of Online Application Printout along with Documents: 30th January 2016
Downloading Online Admit Cards from: 28th March 2016
For Engineering: Paper-I (Physics & Chemistry): 25th April 2016, 10.00 AM to 12.30 PM; Paper-II (Mathematics): 26th April 2016, 10.00 AM to 12.30 PM
For Medical: Paper-I (Chemistry & Physics): 27th April 2016, 10.00 AM to 12.30 PM; Paper-II (Biology): 28th April 2016, 10.00 AM to 12.30 PM
Date of Declaration of Results
For Medical: On or before 25th May 2016
For Engineering: On or before 25th May 2016
For Engineering Rank List (After marks integration): On or before 25th June 2016

To know more Information about entrance please click here


  1. Good news that BCECE 2016 Admit Card will be updated soon, you should download BCECE 2016 Admit Card at official site.

  2. Life Insurance Company (LIC) will announce LIC AAO Result 2016 as soon, check the date of declaration LIC AAO Result 2016 and download it.

  3. Life Insurance Company (LIC) will announce LIC AAO Result 2016 as soon, check the date of declaration LIC AAO Result 2016 and download it.
